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Week 1:
  • Mama's Friend Philosophy
  • Our Curriculum
  • Birth in Alabama
  • Birth Statistics
  • Owning Your Birth
  • Optimal Fetal Positioning
  • Pregnancy Exercises
  • Belly Mapping
  • Meet the Chiropractor


Week 2:
  • Nutrition During Pregnancy
  • Length of Gestation
  • Due Date
  • Gestation
  • Fetal Development
  • Precautions in Pregnancy
  • Symptoms of Pregnancy
  • Comforts/Relief


Week 3:
  • First Stage of Labor
  • The Body in Labor
  • Contractions
  • Natural Alignment Plateau
  • Dilation
  • Effacement & Station
  • Transition/Epidural Clause
  • Second Stage of Labor
  • Pushing Positions


Week 4:
  • Pain vs Suffering
  • Fear-Tension Pain Cycle
  • Overcoming Fear in Labor
  • Role of a Labor Coach
  • 6 Needs of Laboring Women
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Abdominal Breathing
  • Comfort Measures
  • Labor Positions
  • Emergency Childbirth



Week 5:
  • Birth Plans
  • Late Pregnancy Options
  • Labor & Delivery Options
  • Variations of Birth
  • Interventions
  • Epidurals
  • Inductions
  • C-Sections


Week 6:
  • The Newborn Baby
  • Delayed Cord Clamping
  • Postpartum Mamas
  • Placenta Encapsulation
  • Breastfeeding
  • Babywearing


Week 7:
  • Breastfeeding
Class Outline

We believe that women deserve safe and healthy birth outcomes, and that the more research a mother does, the more she is empowered to choose the best choice

for herself and her family.


Through our Childbirth Education Classes we provide evidence-based information and instruction to fully educate our mamas on what to expect,

and to review their many options. 


Mama's Friend does not enforce one specific agenda over another, but instead uses research to address all options and circumstances to better prepare women for labor and delivery.


We base our approach on the recommendations of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - the same institution and regulations by which medical professionals are instructed and should practice. We also include research from World Health Organization, The Bradley Method, and other prestigious and well-researched institutions we will cover in class.


Classes are held Sunday evenings - if you anticipate a scheduling conflict, please contact us for resolution.


Katie McLeod-069_websize-2.jpg

Childbirth Education Classes

(334) 618-8884

Dothan, AL

© 2018 Mama's Friend Birth Services LLC

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